Didactics Guide


The aim of future-oriented education via the Geo Circle project is to stimulate pupils to research present-day social issues and to think in possibilities rather than obstacles.


The Geo Circle project is not just future-oriented, it is also about close cooperation between secondary schools in the Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, corporate life, social institutions and local or regional government and municipalities. It is a framework for interdisciplinary studies, combining knowledge from various school subjects and creating an environment in which students can differentiate and use higher order thinking skills as well as 21st century skills.

The Geo Circle project connects with these current developments in the field of education. The Geo Circle learning experience@school uses the Storyline Approach, ten generic study skills and 8-C key competences of international education.


In the Netherlands, this project fits in the category of ‘extended education’. Learning should not be limited to a minimum number of hours spent at school but should also take place in the field through a series of educational activities outside the curriculum (field research). Our Geo Circle project is a practical realisation of new theoretic developments in the field of education and therefore offers a unique instrument for these renewed teaching opportunities to be implemented.

The Geo Circle project encourages excellency and talent development of young people by means of solving sustainability problems in relation with circular economy issues. With the help of associated partners from industry, government and education these current issues will be translated in Geo Circle modules and 'real-life' questions. Working this way promotes active student participation and challenges them to think and work in a goal-driven, creative and flexible way.


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