To do a circular economy project focussed on your own school is an easy way to start implementing the Geo Circle method. The question or assignment is: ‘how can you make your own school sustainable/circular’. The client for this project can be your school director (principal).


Several Geo Circle partner schools did such a project for their own school, with the school principal or director as client. The introduction of reusable water bottles was originally invented by students in Haselünne, with a promotion campaign among all students of their school.


After a presentation, this idea was later used in other Geo Circle partner schools as well. Students also came up with different ideas about making their school building and surrounding more circular.


On the Geo Circle website more examples are presented. IVN has collected these examples and some more in an Inspiration Handbook Geo Circle. The Inspiration Handbook is also combined with tips and suggestions for teachers how to create a successful project.


This brochure describes a range of possible topics related to circular economy that you can use in school projects.



- The Appendix 'A little bit of nature - big influence' you will find here.

- The Appendix 'Circular schoolfurniture - in Dutch'